As she often does Ali wrote a thought provoking post the other day (thank you!) about blogging and how it has changed over the years, the feeling of community was certainly strong when I started 6 years ago next month (blimey, I wonder if anyone who read it then still reads it now, well beside me I mean!) and many of my favourite bloggers posted regular snippets about their lives, makes, crafts, knits, bakes and family. All of the common things that unite us across the blogsphere that we record together and for ourselves - the changing seasons,growing children, the ups and downs of life, the small inconsequential but vitally important moments,sharing ideas, recipes and how tos.
I think the growth of immediate social media has changed blogging and the growth of bloggers who are running their blogs as a platform for a business so are concerned about SEO,stats and sponsors. But I'm sure of the community of like minded individuals who enjoy the commonality of the everyday even if they are separated by thousands of miles.
Ali's post also reminded me about pleasure of sharing. I held an applique banner making workshop recently and when I brought out my suitcases of doilies, tray clothes and other vintage household goodies one of the ladies commented 'how can you share them?', but seeing their pleasure in choosing which of my little treasures they were going to combine to make their own treasured banner was lovely. I have more than I will ever use in my lifetime and want to see things used and enjoyed. Though of course as it was a work event the ladies had paid, but the pleasure of sharing something cared for with someone who would care for it too is, I think, the same regardless. That then set me thinking about sharing for free and the pleasure of creativity and it's benefits for the spirit so I am going to do some research about local charities and see if there is one in my local community that would have a use for my skills and treasures.
It is easy to slip out of the habit of posting and the longer the pause between posts the harder it feels to get underway again- the light is bad so I have no photos to share( for what use is a blog post without some pretty pictures too) I've been so busy my patchwork/knitting/crochet project hasn't been touched, the things going on in real life are not events I want to record - so it goes on in my head. But actually having my posts, my journal to look back on is a delight. And I want to be able to continue to look back in the future so I need to get on with it, just do it. So I shall!

Gratuitous picture of the playdough flower The Baby Brother made for me, because unexpected gifts are always welcome.