Mr FK's foot trouble has continued and the worry has consumed me. I haven't really had anything to say, I love recording our lives here and as I've been blogging for 6 years enjoy seeing the pattern of the year repeated as the seasons come and go. But the last few months have been overshadowed and burbling on about days out or crochet just didn't fit in.
His foot was in a cast for 7 weeks, the consultant didn't know why it hadn't healed and suggested physio over the summer then another appointment in September. His manner didn't inspire confidence so we decided to get a second opinion. Thanks goodness. After a CT scan, xray and MRI the new consultant referred us to a more specialised chap at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham (2 hours from home). As the new consultant specialises in tumors we had many sleepless night waiting for the appointment. The worry took over about 90% of my brain leaving only 10% for normal life. Plus the knot in my stomach that wouldn't go away either. The appointment reassured us, the specialist was knowledgeable and honest and told us to go for the holiday we had planned. He is doing a biopsy on Friday, an open bone biopsy the very thought of it makes my stomach lurch anew but at least we will know what the real problem has been since before Christmas.
So we are waiting.