How on earth did I forget that newborn babies don't sleep at night??! After two children you would have thought that fact would be carved into my memory - seemingly not as the lack of sleep over the last couple of weeks surprised me! That said if he's snuggled in my arms he'll happily sleep for ages, which means the rest of the household gets some sleep and I get to overdose on cuddles with my baba. Much better than wasting the night hours sleeping.
Thank you for all the good wishes and kind words of welcome to our little fella, it already seems as if he has always been here. I have written several witty and amusing posts in my head in the wee small hours and of course now that I'm grabbing a few minutes while he's asleep all I can think of is ' humm I could just eat some chocolate, or some jelly beans!' - just what you've called in to read!
Lovely flowers have been delivered from kind friends
and the creative and generous Lesley aka Moogsmum sent me a wonderful surprise parcel
needless to say the chocolate has long gone! Thank you Lesley!x The bib is so cute and as for the sweet little booties..
Off to lie down with my lavender scented pillow and relax for a minute................