Some people just seem to know about techy things, I'm not one of them. So when I find something I had been wishing for already exists I am disproportionatly happy!
We are on AOL and had been talking about changing to a cheaper option ( it's all about budgeting here these days) but I didn't want to loose my hundreds of favourites - tutorials, shopping sites, recipes, gardening tips etc. Then this week I discovered Delicious, the solution! I saw it as a button on someone's blog and wondered what it was, now I have my own page there and have been saving urls like a demon. I love the way you can tag things so that it makes it easy to find what you are after. And also to nosy at what other people, who like the same stuff as me, have saved too.
I have been playing with my new camera, especially with the depth of field, so of course needed to subscribe to a few more blogs to help.Digital Photography School is proving the best so far with really clear explanations of shutter speeds, DoF,ISO and their relationships, I've hardly scratched the surface as there is so much great info, worth a look if you want to move beyond 'Auto'!
Have a weekend filled with savouring the small details.