Wonderful! A wonderful family celebration. If last weekend was the adult/coupley celebration this weekend was all about celebrating my birthday with the children, My Little Helper woke up at 6am as he was bursting with secrets and surprises.
Present opening was followed by breakfast in bed and when I went downstairs the house was decorated with birthday balloons and bunting. The Big Sister had a sore thumb from 'tying so many balloons!'
One of the surprises was a trip to see Afrika!Afrika! an amazing show with energetic dancing, amazing acrobatics, vibrant costumes - all from a ringside seat for a wonderful view of the performers, many with rippling muscles and rather small costumes! What a birthday treat!
The chandliers were really unusual
creative recycling.
A family dinner at the Italian round the corner was followed by cake - oh my goodness.........
a chocolate truffle confection topped with tiers of marshmallows with some super cute candles chosen by Mr FK.
A lovely family day drew to a happy close as the sun finally came out and I celebrated the beginning of my fourties with a glass (or two!) of wine.
When I down loaded the pictures I found a few extra shots from My Little Helper
his cute self portrait and can you guess what this is......
well, it's his seat from the restaurant! What a star!