I love handbags, I have far too many but keep them for years, sometimes putting them away for a while and then getting them out and enjoying them all over again.
This latest arm candy is a gift from my friends and colleagues from work. We went out for a few drinks (and then a few more...you know how it is sometimes!) to mark the occasion of my redundancy and they had bought me this lovely bag, amongst other things.
I love the organic way the the waves flow over the bag and am really touched at the time and care taken to choose me such a lovely gift.
Have been lucky in the local charity shop today and found this solid wood little table for only £4.50 so I snapped it up quickly before anyone else could.
I suppose it is a bedside table really but might use it for storing magazines in the living room. There are far too many Coast and Country Livings piled up on the floor and a home for them is long overdue. I will sand it back and give it a wax finish or maybe a lime wax, I'll see how I feel at the time.