Another little hat, for me this time with some wool I've been hoarding for about 15 years. It is a little itchy round the forehead, but reading Lindamade I found the solution. I need to put a hat band inside, I've got some brushed cotton from an old sheet that should do the job and stop me looking like I've got nits as I walk round scratching my head!
I think it was Ginny who mentioned this book, it's designed for children which makes it perfect for a beginner knitter like me - plenty of clear instructions and projects that can be completed quickly. Like the little flowers that teaches you how to knit holes, I have no problem knitting holes put have unravelled it three times as I never have the right number of stitches! I'll have to move onto something more challenging like an ipod cover!
Well, I slept right through the earthquake, which was probably a good thing as Mr FK is away again this week. I seemed to be the only person in the playground this morning to have missed it. I do remember one about 20 odd years ago as I was on holiday in Wales staying in a caravan so certainly felt that one!