I was chatting last night on the phone to a friend, we've not spoken for a while so I was bringing her up to date with 'the redundancy' clearing my desk, saying good bye to people and so on. I also told her about how I went out for lunch with a couple of people from work the other day and called in to say hello to a couple of other people in the office, I was a bit nervous as I spent 17years of my life there but found I felt fine - no 'I miss this' or anything, not a pang! Yes there are people who I miss, whose company I value but the whole work thing, no not at all. Yippee! She also asked me how I felt now, it's not something I've given much thought to perhaps because I was subconsciously worried, but actually I replied 'happy!'. I am really enjoying being at home, nesting, nurturing, mothering. Perhaps it's novelty value as I'm only in my second month, who cares I'm loving it, ok not all the time ( I'm not Pollyanna)but mostly. Perhaps slightly less so when my daughter is screaming like a banshee as she doesn't want to her homework! Thanks Gill for making me think about it.
I have been reading The Happiness Project which is an investigative blog into what makes us happy. For me I think it is simply having time. Time to do the things I enjoy ( sewing, creating, baking, cooking, reading with the children curled up on the sofa)as well as things I have to do ( washing, cooking, running to the post office ) the pressure of trying to cram everything in is gone, I was driving along the other day and it hit me - I was just pootling along! Not madly trying to get from A to B as fast as possible..long may it continue.